Host An Event

We want to be able to host events anywhere but Texas is a BIG state, so we need your help! You can host an event on our behalf. Our hosting program is for individuals, groups, businesses, schools, clubs, community groups, and anyone with an interest in raising funds to support the mission of the Texas LODD Task Force. Choose a suggested fundraiser idea or come up with your own plan to help raise money for our meaningful programs. Have questions about hosting a fundraiser? Check out our FAQ.
Sample Events You Can Host
5K Run/Walk
Bike Race
Silent Auction
The possibilities are endless! Fill out the form to get started!
Ready to Start Planning Your Event?
Will Texas LODD Task Force staff be able to help me organize my event?
We will do everything we can to help you make your event a success but you will need to do the majority of the planning. Assemble a trustworthy team of friends, family, or coworkers to help you put on your event
Can the Task Force assist with covering the costs of putting my event together?
Unfortunately, the Texas LODD Task Forcedoes not have the funds to pay any costs associated with third-party events.
Will a Task Force representative attend my event?
The Task Force relies heavily on volunteers to achieve its mission. We often have volunteers represent us in the community. If you would like a representative from the Task Force to attend your event, we will make our best effort to find a volunteer or staff person to accept a check and/or to address the attendees.
Will you provide me with brochures, Task Force Information , or small give-aways for my event?
Yes. With advance notice we can provide these materials if they are available. All fundraisers will receive these materials free of charge but limitations do apply.
Can I use the Texas LODD Task Force logo for the promotion of my event?
Yes. As awareness is so essential for our organization, we’re always looking to help spread the word. However, we do ask that you send us a mock-up or draft of any materials bearing our logo for approval first. Please allow 7-10 days for approval from the Communications department.
Can I provide receipts for donations?
We will provide all donors with acknowledgements and tax information. Please send all donations with relevant contact information via registered mail or credit card to:
Texas LODD Task Force
PO Box 925
Friendswood, TX 77546
Can I use the Task Force's tax-empt form when purchasing materials?
No. Third-party event organizers cannot use the our tax exemption status in conjunction with the event. If you have a large purchase that you would like to make where you will need a tax-exempt form, please contact us.
How soon after the event must I submit the offline funds that I have raised?
We ask that you send your offline donation within 14 days of the event. Contact John Norris, Chief of Staff, (832) 722-5070 or john@texasloddtaskforce.com to receive the offline donation form.